We have all heard that slang saying " Who's Your Daddy ? " It was a song by Toby Keith, it is a meme with the Star Wars films, and for genealogists and family historians, it is a question we ask and answer about everyone in our Legacy family file ! Since we discussed moms yesterday, it seems only fair that we give equal time to the dads, daddys, fathers, papas, or whatever we call our fathers. Yet again I am trying to open your Legacy family file and click through to your father's entry - the family view and the individual view (oh if wishing made it so). What would I find? Since I can't see your Legacy family file, I took a look at my own father's entries in my Legacy file. I have his birth, baptism, surname meaning, education, occupation, employment, military service, marriage, children, religious affiliation, and memberships in church and professional organizations. What am I missing ? Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash Well for starter...