Converting FamilyTreeMaker to Legacy - advice?


My apologies if this topic is addressed already and I missed it. I am one of the FTM users impacted by Ancestry's decision to discontinue desktop software. My FTM file is 15 years of research. My FTM workflow was to assign sources to individuals and facts. I also have a lot of media in my FTM tree. Some media items are linked to source citations and other media items are linked to people. 

Is there a guide to converting from FTM 2014 to Legacy? Is there an area with any FAQ for individuals like myself that are evaluating options?

Some examples of how my data is assembled in FTM are shown in the links below. Will this get unraveled if I attempt to shift to Legacy? Will I need to do a lot of manual fixing?

Thank you!


  1. Sorry this is late getting up - was flagged and needed to be approved (happens rarely). Anyone want to jump in with assistance. I will say that Legacy published at its website a great primer(and Geoff Rasmussen walked people through) transferring from FTM to Legacy. As far as manual fixing - yes there will be some of that but it is a great opportunity to recheck your work. Make use of tags and simply work through your family file to satisfy yourself on the transfer.

    I think you will enjoy using Legacy (we here in the LVUG do) and people are very helpful - answering questions, providing suggestions. If you are on Facebook, you might want to join the Legacy-sponsored group - Michele Simmons Lewis monitors that site and provides great information on getting the most from Legacy.


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