I have a large amount of info on a surname family - how to use Legacy with it.

I have a large amount of info on a surname family (same surname as mine and same near areas and not a common name) which I have never been able to connect to.  I would like to put this info in a Legacy program but separately from mine.  How should I do this?  And how to access without problems.  YTNX


  1. Since this is not yet a proven part of your tree, I suspect that you would find that working each document in Clooz first, and exporting the data to a separate Legacy file would provide you the best of both possible worlds.  Then as parts of this suspect branch are proven, you can once again export the data to your main Clooz file.  No duplicate entry.

  2. You can create a new tree in Legacy. You can have as many separate trees as you want and they don't interfere with each other.

  3. I agree with Monique - have a separate tree for this family - you might want to keep "unrelated" people who share the surname in this tree - a one-name study in the making!


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