Storing unrelated people in Legacy - a question.

To all members of The Legacy Virtual Users' Group Community,

My thanks for all of the answered questions throughout the year and my best wishes to all for a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season.

And, of course, I am ending the year with a question.  I have a large database where I store all of my "unrelated" people with the same surname.  I would like to take a portion of that database and move it to a new one.  And I don't remember how to do it.  The Help Index is not very helpful I think because my brain is not in gear.   Any suggestions are most appreciated>



  1. Tag the people you want to move. Then use Export to new Legacy file and choose the option to include the people tagged on whatever Tag number you used.

  2. JL Beeken The tagging worked like a charm.  Thank you.


  3. I see that you already have split the file using tagging.  I was just going to recommend in this situation the use of the Tree Finder to set the tags for individuals not in the main tree and then proceed with the tagged split.


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