October 18th - Are you a safe genealogist?

Are you a safe genealogist? This is a follow-up to my post yesterday on people who join communities on Google+ or groups on Facebook.  We are all online sharing information with people that we know (sometimes we have met in "real" life and other times we know them from their blogs, vlogs, videos, meet-ups, hangouts and online courses). As always, we should exercise caution about who we chose to be friends with (or follow, or fan or what-have-you).

Social media provides a way to get to know each other a bit better. Usually that is in the About section of your profile. Be sure to share your interests and research areas and perhaps some of the software you use. This is usually enough to help any of us determine that you are a genealogist or family historian.

As to the folks I removed, I noticed that none of these people did anything but join and at some point post an advertisement or link. EVERYONE - make sure here in the LVUG Community and EVERYWHERE that you do not click on links from people you don't know - as simple as that

And for all the genealogists out there who have joined the LVUG Community on Google+ or any open Facebook Communities - if you are in any doubt about someone, you can easily click on the person's avatar and read a little bit about them. If you see they never mention genealogy or family history and/or they do mention ways to make money or sites to visit with no reason OR if they have never posted anything - the chances are good they are not interested in genealogy.

There are lots of people online with lots of different interests - lots of it good. But you do have to pay attention (just like in life). Google does a great job of keeping an eye out and we do our best to monitor our open community. If everyone does their part, no worries. 

Have a great Sunday!


  1. This was a great post, Tessa! It's easy to just click "ok" when we think we know who the person is because we recognize the name. I was trying to take your advice and enter information into my profile and I can't key anything in. I select Google+ Profile Edit and try to enter information and it's like it's not in edit mode.

  2. An especially annoying feature of Google + is the random people friending me. I always click on their profile to check them out. Lately, men without any profile, few or no friends, and a very handsome looking profile photo or a military sounding name/background have been adding me to their Google +. For awhile I was just ignoring them; they can only see what I make public, so it's no big deal. But I was reading that there are some scams involving fake profiles playing on the sympathies of women and getting them to send money. So I've been taking the time to block these and report them as impersonating someone. I wish there were another impersonation option to choose rather than celebrity or cartoon character, but that will have to do. I keep hoping these folks might be cut off from Google +. It's important to always be wary and skeptical in this online environment, as Tessa says.

  3. I will take a look at that Nancy Marty and post tomorrow about editing profiles. And Lynn Dosch this happens in most social media and we just have to remain aware - sounds like you are paying attention!


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