Working with your source details in SourceWriter.

I would first decide how you want your sources grouped together in your master source list.  For example I use only one Census source for each census; all 1880 Census regardless of where they are from get the same master source.  I spent a lot of time cleaning up sources and grouping them together so they were easier to find.  The source list name can be anything you want it to be; anything that will make easy and quick to find the source you are looking for.  

+Mary Charlotte Hall


  1. I do the same as Shannon. Except I start the name with the year. I just put in 1920 and up pops my form I always use. I still have to clean up some of my early source. I started out as a splitter, but decided that would create waaay to many source for me to deal with.Now I am a confirmed lumper!

  2. Yes!!  I want to be a lumper too!

  3. Ok, so the Master Source is the Census year of each census then you just fill in subsequent info with individual report detail. Please let me know if I am not understanding correctly. Thank you. mc

  4. +Mary Charlotte Hall you fill in the detail info each time you use the
    census. The one that I use asks for the incorporated place name but I
    put the city (town), county, and the state name all in that field.
    You can put what you want in the boxes and you don't have to fill all
    of them in either.


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