Master sources for same year censuses - a question.

When I go to my master sources I notice several sources for the same year census.  I don't know which one I should choose and when I choose one it has a box for source details.  Can someone tell me how to decide which census to pick and what information goes in the source detail box?


  1. The Master Source list contains only sources that you have created. Legacy has many different source templates in its Sourcewriter feature but no actual sources. So I'm not sure what you are referring to. Source details are generally details about a particular source document or record such as page number, volume, microfilm number, date if there is one and any other info that properly identifies that document/record.

  2. I'm sorry it was the source writer that shows so many templates for the same year census.  I'm not sure which template to pick.

  3. Mitch Parker: I can only say what I have learned from experience. Look them over carefully, then pick one you like, that seems to suit your purpose. Once you start using one you cannot merge two different Templates. If you change your mind about the Template you are using, you have to start over. I would recommend that you go into Options, Customize, Sources and under 7.1 Entry System & check SourceWriter System. SourceWriter is much more in-line with current "Best Practices", i.e.: Elizabeth Shown Mills. Hope I have helped and not cofused you too much.

  4. Mitch Parker I had to start a new thread to insert a screen shot, so look for it above.  I hope it helps explain the answer to your question.

  5. has wonderful videos on how to use the source writer and how to add certain events (Death cert, marriage cert, and census record) it gives you the gist of how to use it for all sources.

  6. Mitch Parker  sounds like you need to be more descriptive on each census record....I label mine like this : STATE, County, City,  YYYY, US Census  That way i can have them sort by state, then county then city then census year.

    A tip I learned from Geoff at legacy familytree webinars

  7. That works if you're a splitter Linda Hodges, which is fine. For lumpers, there is another approach which involves fewer source labels, not more. I have one census source for each census year and country, so my source labels read 1841 UK, 1850 US, etc. I put state, county, city, enumeration district, sub-district, etc. in source details. Then again, I don't use Source Writer - my work began long before it was available.


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