Question about RTF file.

Continuing Issue:
A month ago, I posted an inquiry about the RTF output report and the problem with source citations, for a Modified Registry Report; hoping to find a workaround.

The same day, 6 April 2015, I wrote to David Bredan.  Since then I have not heard from anyone.  My frustration with Legacy is beyond words. A whole month David???? Email included in formal letter, snail mail.

Has anyone figured out how to produce a RTF file with only 1 set of source citations?

Second Problem:
I just ran a RTF version of the Multiple Lines of Descent Report and this did not produce good results either.  Again there are two sets of source citations but even worse, the numbering system is continues.  A registry report uses a numbering system that should only be continues for related individuals.  The three lines of descent I used and hoped to include in one report, are not related families. Unfortunately, the numbering system runs them together, each new family line continuing with the registry number of the last person of the forgoing line.


  1. Okay - you say you wrote Legacy/Millennia and that is the best tack to take when you have a specific issue. I'm sorry and a bit surprised that you have not heard back BUT (and this is just to confirm) you do realize that we are users here in the LVUG Community - we are not employees or affiliated with Legacy/Millennia. If no one has tried to do this here - then they might not be able to answer your question. Did you not get any answer from Legacy's forum - I think their employees monitor it. Let me know your status and we will give a shout out to see if someone can help you. Sorry for your frustration Karen.

  2. Thank you for your response. Yes I understand this is a users group. Since
    I had tried a second report I thought I would inquire again to see if
    anyone had tried to create a Multiple Line of Descent report with any luck.

    As for the rest of my post I think everyone using Legacy should know and
    understand any problems surrounding the software. As well as what to expect
    from support.

    I have not posted any comments on the forum since I was hoping another user
    might have figured out a way to create a good RFT report.

    The ensuing problem was first identified in January and reported to the
    company. They asked us to send our problem and I think our database. Before
    this could be done they responded back and said not to bother that the
    issue was recreated and they could see the problem.

    Again let me reiterate the need for all user to understand the problems
    with reports. Just using the program for storage can really cause problems
    if they ever want to publish and hope they everyone will someday.

  3. Thanks I appreciate you clearing this up for us so we are all aware of it. These problems they find or that are reported to them go into a list and I believe they work through to check them and fix them (while not creating a new problem). Of course it is frustrating to wait since January for something important to you (and others) to be "solved." Let's hope it is high on the list and gets taken care. Thanks again Karen Sipe for the heads up to our LVUG Community. Does anyone here know of a workaround?

  4. Yes we did. Five yes 5 months ago. Never heard back. Wrote snail mail April
    6th with tracking number and my gmail. Never heard back. You guys are on my
    bad list right now.

  5. BTW this is probably not the place to continue this conversation.

    On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Karen Sipe <****@**> wrote:

    > Yes we did. Five yes 5 months ago. Never heard back. Wrote snail mail
    > April 6th with tracking number and my gmail. Never heard back. You guys are
    > on my bad list right now.

  6. The email has already been sent


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