Using Function Keys F4 & F5 with your notes and sources.

Using Function Keys F4 & F5 to have your notes window & sources window open at the same time...

I just stumbled on a shortcut that allows me to have my notes AND sources window open at the same time when editing an individual.  Here's how it works...and it only works in this order..

(1) Click on Notes (or press F5) to open the individual's notes window
(2) Press F4 to open the sources window at the same time.

This allows you to edit, copy etc the sources.  You then need to close the Sources window before you can use the Notes window again.

I found this useful when reviewing my "Proof" notes that I record to explain why I believe a certain fact.  I can flick between my notes and sources quickly and still have the main Family screen visible to see the key relationships.  Hope this helps someone.



  1. Now that's handy Mike.  Thank you.

  2. Nup!  Didn't work for me.  I'm using Windows 7 Mike Edwards, are you using Windows 8?

  3. That's a shame!  Yes I am using Windows 8 & Legacy 
    Just checked it again and it did work for me.  Sorry it doesn't help you out.

  4. Using Windows 8 and it worked for me - thanks Mike Edwards

  5. I have Windows 7, just tried this hint out and it worked exactly as Mike said. (Doesn't work in reverse however...)

  6. Thank you Mike Edwards agree it is a great tip.

  7. Yes, opens them for viewing and editing the last screen opened but can't edit the individual's information screen without closing the source and note screens.


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