Welcome to our new members!

Welcome to our new members! We just wanted to post a gentle reminder that our LVUG Community's focus is on Legacy Family Tree software. We do talk about other programs we use in conjunction with our software, questions we might have about citations, research issues, some great links (with an explanation of why you wanted to share and how it might apply to our software of choice), and the like.

This is not the place for your photography, your recipes, selling products or services (and that is different than telling us how a product or service works with Legacy). There are so many communities on Google+ (on all sorts of topics) that I know you will find them and join them to share your other interests. Oh, and Carol Stevens does a great job of catching those mistakes that get posted. She usually removes them and that's that - so no worries (unless you make it a habit).

If you have any questions about what works here, take a look at the About section (over to the right or read through our Guidelines - in the All posts section at the left). And keep those Legacy questions, tips and suggestions coming - we are all learning so much from each other. Cheers


  1. Thanks Tessa - everyone once in a while it is to send a gentle reminder


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