Today's Poll Question - favorite way to learn here.

What is your favorite way to learn here at the LVUG Community? If you want to share the reason for your preference, please post in the comments section. If I have left a choice out, why not share with the rest of us. Thanks


  1. Pictures help, but not necessary. I've learned a lot just reading the posts.

  2. The posts are very helpful but I also follow the presentations and tutorials religiously.

  3. I agree all of the above. I probably listen to the videos after the event because of the time difference,

  4. Here's another one who votes for all of the above.

  5. Most of the time I look at this when I am on my iPad and it is hard to see the images. I like questions & answers

  6. all of the above although I usually avoid videos. too slow on my slow connection and you can't 'skim' a video like text. You have to wade all the way through to get to the specific answer to a question.

  7. All the above tho' the posts would be my last choice.

  8. All except video, can't afford the data cost.  I do watch videos and Tessa's Utube when traveling and use the hotel wireless

  9. Thanks for the comments (with the votes). It is helpful to know the issues that affect our members - never even considered data cost as I have high speed internet but this is definitely something to consider. Thanks Leslie Wright Bagwell.

  10. Mostly posts, haven't gotten around to hangouts yet.


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