How do I add source to a media file?

Can I add a citation/source to a media file, i.e. a photo? I've checked the help section and couldn't see anything.


  1. You can. But I'm not clear what you mean. Do you mean using a photo as a source? Can be done. Or do you mean adding the source citation to the description of the photo using one of the galleries? Can be done. Or do you mean adding the source citation to the metadata of the image? Can be done.

  2. Most facts and events allow for a source citation to be linked to that it. I would like to be able to the same with an image. So if I add a media file to an individual, how can I link a citation to it to justify its bona fides? From your response, I'm guessing that adding the source citation to the metadata is probably the way to go.

  3. I add the citation and any other info in the metadata and then I create an Event for the media and add the citation there as well.  For example if I have a photo I add a Photo Event and then in the event I add the citation.  If I just linked the document or image to the person I would forget about it but by adding a custom event I can see the photo event in the persons individual information screen.

  4. I believe that Linda McCauley adds the photo to her Events/Facts as well (I got a virtual Gibbs slap from Linda when she showed how and what all she entered as Events/Facts). It is really a simple and clean way to get all your information in chronological order (or whatever order you choose) and have everything in one place. As I recall Linda puts her notes in the Events/Facts section as well. And the sources (and whether you have added them) clearly show up.

    BUT I agree with JL Beeken and Shannon Thomas that you need to use the metadata feature for your images - always keep your information with the "thing." (I learned that while having all the family slides and photos professionally scanned and then we added the "information" about who, what, when, where, etc. Makes finding those images easy anytime in the future - but that is a process to get it organized at the outset.

  5. Fortunately, there's such a thing as batch mode in metadata, depending on the software. It works for some things; source, copyright, keywords, locations, object name, etc. You'll find out as you go. I did a lot of mine after the fact and batch was a way to zoom through some of it. 'Search' also comes in handy. Keywords blank, source blank, copyright blank, etc. And I've still got empty boxes. My metadata brick walls thanks to people who don't bother.

    So then the question is, what software to use? See for a start and then look at IPTC in the tag list.

  6. Thanks for the suggestions everyone.


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