Today's Poll Question - do you attend hangouts?

Do you make use of our LVUG Hangouts? And, if you haven't used them in the past, what would make you want to watch or attend them? Feel free to just vote or vote and comment. Thanks so much.


  1. I'd like to have hangouts "figured out". Do you have tutorials that you can recommend - just searching YouTube is too tedious.

  2. I have to use my cell phone as a hot spot, so watch when I have enough data!

  3. I try to view the recordings if it is a topic of interest.  I'm typically not available to watch "live"

  4. I've watched but have not caught onto the schedule yet. Hangouts and videos typically take more bandwidth than I have. An audio only with slides would work out better for me. sort of like Legacy's own gotomeeting webinars. Those are usually great. I also participate in an occasional #genchat on friday nights. those are fun and sometimes even learn something.

  5. I marked that I attend live but have only done that a couple times. It's on my calendar and I think it's a great thing but every time I have it scheduled, something else comes up. I need to try harder, I  guesss.

  6. I prefer to watch live but lately its been a catch-up game and I watch the recording.

  7. I typically watch the recording because of the time difference, but I did partipate in the hangout last year about a virtual sabbatical. Whilst not specifically about Legacy it was good to look at a broader discussion.

  8. When I am connected and have band width sufficient to stay active and/or won't send me over my monthly limit, I love to be IN the room!

  9. Time difference rules me out. I watch some later  but not all.

  10. I'm new to Legacy so I should watch the hangouts. Do I have to be a member to watch?

  11. Mary Foxworthy you are able to watch the hangouts here in the community or on YouTube. They are recorded.

    In the community, click on the "LVUG Hangouts" over on the left of this screen at the top (under the heading Legacy Virtual Users' Group Community) and you will get the stream that has them.  You can also search for LVUG at YouTube where you can find them also.


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