Today's Poll Question - How often do you visit community?

How often do you check in here at the LVUG Community? (Feel free to leave a comment if the choices don't fit your experience). Thanks


  1. I should be doing it every day and it's on my calendar to do that but somehow, other things interefere

  2. There are no right or wrong answers here (or should be doing) - this is about getting a sense of how our LVUG is used now and how to make it better for all of us (this is a guilt free zone!).

  3. I get to the community once a week definitely, but should - need to check in more frequently at least until I am more familiar with legacy.

  4. I have notifications "on", so if there's a post, I'll drop by and follow. That's usually not every day but more than once per week, depending on traffic. I guess that's a vote for 'none of the above' :)

  5. I also have notifications on so follow when there is something there.

  6. Because this is not a real busy community, I Receive emails whenever there is a post. If it's something I am interested in, I check out the post to see the additional comments. Since none of the answers apply, I am not sure how to answer this poll question.

  7. Like a number of others, I have notifications on and follow when I receive the email. I usually open the post to see the additional comments. If I have been particularly interested in a previous post, I will usually, also at that time, open the community to check of further responses to the previous post/s of interest.

  8. I don't check in but I get the email notices and if it is something that is interrelated I click the link to read the post and responses.

  9. I have notifications on.  I also have Google+ as my home page, so scan through that every morning, and during the day.  ALL of my Google plus is genealogy related!

  10. Notifications bring me here as well.


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