I'm moving from FTM 2014 to Legacy 8 - questions.

I'm moving from FTM 2014 to Legacy 8. My import is done.  I figure I'd start by cleaning up my direct line ancestors first and re-writing their citations using the SourceWriter.  MY FTM 2014 citations are all in the format  automatically generated from syncing with Ancestry.com. 

I've decided to start with the 1910 Federal Census listing my grandfather.  Basically I should set up the 1910 Census using SourceWriter and, after I am satisfied all information is properly recorded, delete the old 1910 sourcing and information pulled over  FTM 2014, correct?


  1. I think you can see a list of who uses the source in the source master list so you can change the source for everyone before deleting the old source.  I'm not in front of my computer so I cannot give you details but I'm sure someone else on here can.  I can look at it more when I get home from work today if you need more information.

  2. I found the list Shannon.  So I re-do the census using Sourcewriter for my great-grandfather (head of household) and then link to everyone else?  I'll figure it out.  I basically wanted to find out if recrafting the new source and deleting the old source was the way to go.  I see you can "edit" sources and didn't know if I should simply "edit" the old source or do the delete and replace procedure. 

    Crafting a new source and deleting the old source will be my workflow.

  3. I found that creating a new one was easier than editing.  Sounds like you have it figured out...good luck!

  4. Leslie and Shannon, I'm doing the same thing and creating new source entries using Source Writer rather than trying to edit the FTM format

  5. This is so hard I'm almost ready to throw in the towel except I know everyone else managed to figure it out.  Just coming in to vent........It is going to take me a week to get one census done and figure out events.  I'm busy.

  6. I only do a census event for the head of household and transcribe all the information into that event then I do the source citation and then I share the event with all family members in the census. This saves so much time. If it is the source citation you are having issues with I can help you with that as well.

  7. I think my main problem is I'm having a hard time seeing the forest for the trees.  

    I figured I'd start out with cleaning up my grandpa's sources.  He first shows up at age 5 on the 1910 census with his family.  I downloaded, renamed and filed the census form digitally (also printed since I plan to print out records for direct line ancestors).  I made up the Master Source and Detail forms for the John Smith Family (great-grandfather) and set about trying source events properly.  The problem is there is so much junk in my events and sourcing from pulling everything over from Family Tree Maker 2014 (from syncing with ancestry) that I can't SEE exactly the impact of what I'm doing.  For example, there are already 21 items with sources listed in great-grandpa's Events/Facts.  I can't tell at a glance what are good sources (my 1910 census) versus what pulled over from FTM 2014 syncing with Ancestry.   Some of them are junk sources, some are simply improperly cited. It's very confusing because I'm not sure how to pick up where I left off at re-sourcing items.

    This morning I experimented with removing some sources from facts.  For example, great-grandpa's residence facts from 1920 and 1930 no longer have a source icon next to them because I removed the improperly cited 1920 and 1930 census sources.  When I get those sources properly cited then I can attach the proper citations and media to the facts/events.  Should I remove all the sources associated with great-grandpa so I can tell what needs to be sourced and verified?

    What about the other 6 family members reported on the 1910 census?  Do I go in and clean out their sources too?  Some I may not get back to for a while since they aren't direct line ancestors.

    I could just start over.  Maybe at least then I'd know my direct line ancestors were properly cited, but I'd never get all the aunts, uncles and cousins cited.  I'm comfortable with the accuracy of the great majority of my side branches, it's just they aren't properly cited. 

    Am I making any sense?  :)

    I'm not getting anything done except going around in circles!  :0

    gotta run for the day, Leslie

  8. Some of my older stuff has events that are not sourced because I deleted the old sources because there was too much bad information in my database.  Then I went through and looked at each person (I'm still working on this) and cleaned them up that way.  I tagged everyone in my database on tag 9 then went about deleting bad sources and started over with them.  I did the direct ancestors first and now when I have time I search for every one tagged on tag 9 and then I work on a few at a time.  All of my census sources are there I just add the details and move on.

  9. I saved my old file with a new name and am starting over.  It's ok.  I have my Ancestry.com subscription and FTM 2014 and can always recreate and see an extended family tree with those citations.

    I can't wrap my head around how exactly I want to structure my Legacy properly cited sources until I work with the program in an isolated manner.


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