What is your suggested method of recording slave ownership in Legacy?

What is your suggested method of recording slave ownership in Legacy. Yes, that curious institution was/is despicable, but it is also a part of history.


  1. You could record slaves owned at the time of the census in the notes field of the event.

    For other slave related events, it would depend on how granular you want to be. You could just create a single custom event called 'Slave' to record events related to the slave, up to events that could cover any single event that could involve the slaves (such as 'Slave Born,' 'Slave Bought,' 'Slave Inherited,' 'Slave Sold,' 'Slave Died,' and 'Slave Freed').

  2. I think I would create an event for the purpose. Each time a register or census or whatever shows up a slave x owned by y, it is arguably an event. Rather like occupation. Instead of machinist, then slave, owned by y. Problem with that suggestion is that I don't think the event lends itself to relational things, so the reciprocal "event" in y timeline won't show up automatically. So many to many relationship slave:master won't automatically fall out.


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