Fixing mistakes in my master source list.

I looked through my Master Source List tonight and saw a few mistakes that needed to be corrected so they would be consistent with the others.  Well, over an hour later. . . I got them ALL corrected (there were more than a few to my shock and horror). Some gremlin had to have been playing in my Source List, because I would NEVER do that-- yeah right! #keepingitreal


  1. It's tough keeping things clean in there I've noticed. So many sources listed more than one way. Now, if I had a consistent way of naming them that might help. And then there's my Cuz' contributions and for sure she does it differently.

  2. Have you been peaking into my Source List Monique Riley ?? :) 
    I tried to fix up some UK Census on the weekend but still find some inconsistencies in the event view between certain Census years. Some start with the date I found a census, some start with the HO number. I can't figure out why.

  3. Writing through the #AtoZChallenge has shown me more than a few errors and omissions already (and we are only 7 days into it!).

    I do go through my master location and master source lists every quarter because somehow the gremlins travel (they must be using the internet "tubes") and show up in all of our Legacy databases. Yes, I'm going with that defense! Good to know I'm not alone. Thanks Monique Riley

  4. I have found some errors too.  I'm always finding something that can be cleaned up but I don't mind playing in Legacy.  I think it might be an addiction.  Is there a Legacy support

  5. Shannon Thomas I agree, playing in Legacy is fun!

  6. Have you also noticed ... because I was working on this task a couple months back and came across it, and again today, that collection names change over time as they digitize more records? The date span changes.


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