How do you handle entering DNA matches that aren't yet clarified?

I'm thinking of either putting the lines into my existing family file and marking everyone as Invisible so they don't show up when I generate charts for my website. Or starting another family file and marking each person (in their User ID possibly?) which person they came from.


  1. I haven't had to concern myself with DNA results at this point (sadly). Time for some of our 944 LVUG Community members who are working with DNA results to weigh in!

  2. If you open a person' page in Legacy, you should see a DNA looking thingy on the lower right side. Click on it, & you'll see lots of stuff to explore! Click on the Help button and it will tell you about DNA.

  3. Tessa Keough Don't everyone speak at once.

    I'm trying to go at this logically and efficiently because I have 978 matches and I'm hoping to hear back from at least some of them. I think the key here would be consolidation.

    To that end, I've created an email template requesting a stripped-down-to-the-basics gedcom and sent mine. So far, I've gotten back one pedigree chart without locations as an Excel file, and one descendants book report from someone who said they don't know how to open a gedcom or, obviously, how to make one.

    No-one in the past month, since my results went live, has sent me anything; no questions, no howdy-doo old cousin. Nothing. I suspect people have no clue what to do with DNA results.

  4. Joyce Herzog Been there, done that. But my question is how people are working with the information they get from their DNA matches. You know, the stuff that doesn't fit anywhere yet.

  5. I input my DNA contacts with unknown connections as unrelated and assign a tag for DNA.

  6. I made an unattached person called DNA cousins and add them under that.  Some people  I have parents and other family members and I add them in connected to the person I matched with.

  7. Kelly Booth and mike griffin I'm assuming this would require using the Merge function regularly or having a very good memory in case there's a match somewhere in your unattached people. I think I like this better though than the way I'm doing it with a separate family file which seems to be excessively more complicated. My fear, though, was that I would totally mess up my Master Locaton and Master Source list by importing other people's gedcoms which are mostly quite a mess. The separate file I've created for matches is about 8,000 people so far,  not including my own.

  8. I don't import other people's gedcoms.  I will add people's direct lines to see if I can find a way back to mine but I don't add their whole tree in.

  9. Kelly Booth When I know which lines to put in I can do it that way. Until then I'll have to stick with my clunkier method.


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