Tuesday's Tip - Event/Fact titles and definitions.

A recent question came up on the Legacy User Forum about Event/Fact Titles and Definitions. Events/Facts is one of the topics that LVUG Community members voted we want to learn more about. Here are a few tips to get us started.

(1) Take a look at the Master List for Event Definitions - by default Legacy has quite a few "Events." They are in alphabetical order and you will notice some that will be in constant play with your family history and others that will never be used. You might also think about some that are not on the playlist that you will want to add.

(2) Yes you read that correctly - you can add and delete events/facts and also tag events/facts. Why? Because you are making Legacy your program (remember you own Legacy, it doesn't own you!). 

(3) What did I add
Roman Catholic events/facts (Baptism, Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Religious Vows, Marriage, Last Rites) because that is the faith tradition of the vast majority of my family. I chose the sentence structure to include information that is pertinent to these sacramental events/facts.
Bygdeboker event/fact because our Norwegian family lived on farms in Norway and these events/facts again have specific details I want to include in a recognized format.
Household Examination Record event/fact - if you have Swedish family you are familiar with HERs and again these events/facts have specific details I want to include in a recognized format.
FindAGrave event/fact because I use this "fact" by copying and pasting the information contained about the memorial - that is not the same as other information I have or may have about burial. (just me, but hey - it's my program).

(4) What did I remove or not tag? Anything that is not applicable to my family's events/facts or not part of our faith traditions.

(5) Why tag the master event definition list? Those are events/facts that I have checked the sentence structure (and refined if need be) and incorporate in my database.

So what have you added to or removed from the Master Event Definition List? Do you tweak the sentence structure for your events/facts?  Whatever you do, get in there and play with your events/facts. At the very least you will have the events/facts you want in your program but also - your reports will read better (less stilted). Why not give it a go.


  1. I've added a few.
    Number of children - sometimes helps unravel mixed families.
    Political career - I have a few who were elected to local office, even a congressman by marriage.
    Newspaper clipping - for interesting articles I find that don't quite fit with the standard fill in the blanks facts.
    Find A Grave contributor - a private event. I like to see how other F-A-Gers fit into my tree. 
    Patents - found a few inventors.
    I use all census, occupation or residences as single events and then list particulars in notes. So I changed the sentences to read accordingly, "enumerated in the following censuses:", "worked as a:", or "resided at:".

  2. Great ideas Mary Trogg! Any other suggestions out there on what you have added and why? Keep em coming.

  3. I've added School Activity, Sports Activity, and Music Activity since my father-in-law played college football and community baseball and coached golf.  My mother-in-law has certificates from music competitions and was a long time member of her church choir.

  4. I've added "Sponsor" for baptisms and "Witness" for marriage events.  They often turn out to be family members!

  5. I added an event for obituary. Not truly an event, but it helps me "see" who I might need to find N obituary for. I also added "Deed-Grantor" and "Deed-Grantee" since many of my relatives bought and sold the same pieces of property. It also provides evidence of spouse as well as possible members of FAN.

  6. keep in mind it is event/fact - so it can be any old thing you want to add that will include (if you want) a title, a description, a date, a place, notes, media and a source. Thanks again to Linda McCauley for pointing this out to me 2 years ago - it changed my event/fact life!

  7. I have a photo event/fact; I have information about the photo and the photo attached to the event/fact.


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