Question about gender colors.

I have a question about gender colors. In 7.5 you could change the colors of the males, females and unknowns. Is there somewhere like that in version 8? I looked but can't seem to find it.


  1. Here is a partial answer.  I'm not sure if it flows thorough all people in all situations.  

    1.  Go to the Family tab for a person with children.  
    2.  Go to Options in the menu then select Change Colors.  That should bring up a popup window titled Set Color Scheme.  
    3.  When you click on a child name you should get a popup box that says Set Child Colors.  There you can set the color for male, female, and unknown genders.  

    It doesn't affect the parents though.  You can change the color displayed for the parents by clicking on either parent and it will allow you to change the Title.  However, it is the same for both parents.  Hope this gets you at least part way to the solution you are looking for.

  2. Just played with this myself (tried to do what James' suggested). And I originally set my colors when I upgraded to Version 8 - it has been awhile and I forgot how non-helpful the Help section is (or at least unclear) on the color items.

    Definitely follow James' directions (I think if you click back to move the parents to child status you will see that females and males show up in the colors you selected). Once you make these changes SAVE them so you don't have to go through the search and find for this little gem again. (Clearly a short video or pictures could help explain this).


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