Okay - monitoring who joins our LVUG community.

Okay - for the second (and hopefully last time) we have had those interesting folks join our LVUG Community. Thanks to the eagle eye of Monique Riley - they were seen and banned. Thankfully Google has added a feature that allows us to remain a Public Community but change our membership policy from open joining (everyone welcome) to ask to join (this gives us a bit more admin work but makes sure those pesky porn folks don't get through the gate in future). As my gran would say - you would think they would have something better to do with their time.

We should see this change take place immediately - thanks again to my great co-moderators for catching this! And now that I have got all the planning and prep down for RootsTech, we will be back to our regular schedule of Tuesday's Tips. In the meantime, do remember to check out Legacy's tips that get published at their website and attend the Wednesday Webinar if the topic is something that you can put to use with your own genealogy and family history. And now - everyone back to genealogy!


  1. Thanks for all your work Tessa. I manage our local LUG  and a couple of other  groups and it's work for  MUCH smaller groups. I applaud you-as Geoff would say--with my virtual hands. :-)

  2. OK, why was that last sentence lined out?

  3. as to cross out - that is odd. Who knows perhaps a Google glitch? Sorry that I have been MIA for the past few weeks - getting ready for RootsTech for another volunteer group has really eaten up my "free time." Looking forward to seeing lots of exhibitors - including Legacy/Millennia and attending sessions - some great presenters. Upon my return, we will be back on track here! Barbara Johnson - great that you manage a local LUG. What do you find are the questions or areas that members want to cover?

  4. Our group ranges from advanced to brand new. The most common questions deal with sources, and Options. I have learned from you to use the help button...a lot. I love Legacy because it offers so much for all levels of experience! I am still learning.


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