Our next hangout - join us!

Originally shared by Tessa Keough

As I mentioned last week, our monthly LVUG hangout is going to be pure fun, a bit of escapism, and full of genealogy dreams! On September 30th Jennifer Shoer (aka The Scrappy Genealogist) wrote a terrific blog post about taking a genealogy sabbatical year. In it she asked the question "If you could spend each of the next twelve months living in one of your ancestral locations and researching on-site, where would you go?"

And I thought what a great way to get back into the genealogy research mindset (after our summer breaks, vacations and holidays, sending the kids back to school, attending conferences and seminars, and/or doing volunteer projects or home improvement projects). 

So please join us at the LVUG Community here on Google+ as we share our genealogy sabbatical years. And remember to dream big - you can research at any place and at any time! Be sure to check out Jennifer's post at The Scrappy Genealogist to get some ideas on how you might plan your sabbatical year.  http://www.scrappygenealogist.com/2014/09/my-genealogy-sabbatical-year.html

Our LVUG hangout on air starts at 1:00 pm pacific time which is
2:00 pm  - mountain time
3:00 pm - central
4:00 pm - eastern time
9:00 pm - British summer time
and check out www.worldtimebuddy.com if you need to determine your own time zones (although the time should show up in your own time zone through the magic of Google).

If you say YES or MAYBE you will receive a notification from Google the day before and an hour before the hangout. If you say NO, you won't hear another peep.

Hope to see you all (either JOINing in the hangout room - up to 10 of us - or VIEWing and commenting in real time). And if you can't make it live, you can watch the recording at the LVUG Community or on my YouTube Channel.


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