Good morning - Where would you go on a research trip?

Good morning - we are going to do our best to post something every day (all under Tuesday's Tips) for Family History Month. We did this last year and it was a big hit. So yesterday I gave you a PDF with 66 links to e-learning opportunities (more on that in our October Tuesday's Tips videos). Today I thought we could spend a bit of time dreaming.

Earlier this week Jennifer Shoer (aka The Scrappy Genealogist) wrote a terrific blog post about taking a genealogy sabbatical. She planned her entire year - with travel and research. I think it is a great idea. Why not read her post (link below) and dream a little. What would you do? Where would you go? What order should your trip be set up? Are you coming back to your home-base or just traveling for all 12 months? Jot your thoughts/plans down, perhaps circle the globe (and bonus points if you provide your reasoning). You may be wondering why dream - the true question is why not dream?

Perhaps we cannot take the actual trip - (ah #Ancestry  - this would be an excellent contest.) But in reviewing your Legacy database (you knew I would get this connected to Legacy didn't you!) and finding those unanswered questions, or those ancestors without dates and places and stories, you can plan your research for the coming year. You might be surprised by how your research approach changes if you think location and datasets.

So today I will spend a bit of my time dreaming of my genealogy sabbatical and checking my Legacy database. Why don't you do the same and we will meet back here on Thursday October 16th for our LVUG Hangout on Air to share our sabbatical plans.  Now where did I put that map - got to start planning!
