L is for LVUG Hangout on Air

L is for LVUG Hangout on Air

I did not even plan this but today we focus on the letter L and that's great because it is time for our Legacy Virtual Users' Group (LVUG) hangout on air. The invitation/notification went out on October 9th (with all the information and time conversions). I just pinned it to the top of our LVUG Community as a reminder and so you can easily find it, it you want to VIEW (rather than JOIN us  in the hangout).

So have you given any thought to your Genealogy Sabbatical Year? Where would you go and when would you schedule your research visits? Of course you would take along your laptop or tablet and have your Legacy database up to date, but what else would you take with you and why - basically - what's you plan? We are going to share our sabbatical year plans and we want to hear yours. See you a bit later today.


  1. I'm not sure if I am going to make it. I got some unexpected company today.

  2. ah darn, hope you can make it Shannon Thomas but understand that things happen and people show up! Hope it is good company. We would love to have you join us and just play it by ear.

  3. Tessa Keough - Didn't see any announcement about the HOA. Sorry I missed it. I saw the update from YouTube (Subscription) so will ahve to go take a look at it that way.

    Thank you,


  4. Odd that Russ Worthington as I sent out the notification/invitation last Thursday, and it was listed as an upcoming Event in our Community, but perhaps you don't have notifications on for the LVUG Community. We had a good time and it was great to meet Jennifer Shoer and discuss the "dream year." I want one of those!

  5. Going to watch it now.  I am going to do a blog post about my Genealogy Sabbatical and I make sure to post the link in the community.

  6. Great Shannon Thomas and I need to proofread mine, post it to my blog and then link to the Community and to Jennifer Shoer original post (Sep 30). A fun "thinking project" this weekend, and I need to buy the winning lottery ticket to try and pay for it!


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