This week in our Tuesday's Tip - Memorial Day & the Honor Roll Project.

This week in our  Tuesday's Tip  we are thinking ahead and looking back. Memorial Day is next Monday, May 26th - a US federal holiday honoring the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. To learn more about the history, customs, and traditions associated with Memorial Day, why not check out these links:

(1) Wikipedia - Memorial Day (
(2) The History Channel - Memorial Day (
(3) PBS - The National Memorial Day Concert (

So, how do you plan to remember our country's service members and your own family's service members? 

(A) Cemeteries often have a service (I have attended services at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia AND Guardian Angels Cemetery in Chaska, Minnesota - both were quite moving). Why not check your local paper or go online to find our about services in your area
(B) Many subscription websites are offering free access to military records (some for a week, others through May). Why not take advantage and work through you Legacy database to discover the stories of military personnel in your own tree . Then spend some time telling their story, either in your blog or simply in the events/facts section of your Legacy database.
(C) Join in with The Honor Roll Project organized by genealogy blogger Heather Wilkinson Rojo (read more about it at her blog highlighted belowl) and if you need an additional nudge Judy G. Russell wrote a thoughtful piece about the importance of doing something to honor those who gave their lives in service of our country (read that post here (

Whatever you do and however you choose to remember and honor them (thinking ahead - you have almost a week to make plans; looking back - please remember those people and their sacrifices) please share that Memorial Day is not about shopping and sales, or a day off from work or school. It is about honoring those who lost their lives serving and defending our country and her people in conflicts throughout our history and in all corners of the world.

Why not post and share your experiences here in our LVUG Community.


  1. A most worthwhile project, Tessa Keough. Thanks for spreading the word. 😊

  2. It is my pleasure - the genealogy community is great at remembering and honoring, happy to be part of it. The Honor Roll project is amazing.


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