Legacy Webinar presenting a webinar entitled Virtual User's Group Meeting.

Tomorrow Legacy Family Tree Webinars is presenting a Webinar entitled Virtual User's Group Meeting. Although the name is quite similar to our name, this meeting is part of Legacy's webinar series and not affiliated with our LVUG Community. But hey, learning about Legacy is always a good thing and the more opportunities we have, the better.

If you have not already signed up, you might want to check it out - this is a great opportunity to meet some of the employees of Legacy who answer your questions, code the program, come up with the improvements, and just generally make things work in Legacy.

Sign up to view live and get your questions in to Legacy employees. If you can't make it live, check out the recording which is usually up later in the day.      


  1. Wish I could be there - I'll be on the bus down to Seattle to visit granddaughters.  Maybe another time...

  2. I don't know why they did that and it did confuse some of our LVUG Community members when they first saw it a few months back - they asked if this was a change of platform or in addition to our platform. As my niece would say "whatever" - I guess there are only so many names and there are several Legacy Users' Groups (not virtual like we are) all over the country - for in person meetings. So a wealth of ways to learn about Legacy - all good.

  3. Jerry Kocis - nothing tricky or with bad intent, I've actually had the specific name penned in my notes for years as I've planned to add this to our training. Sorry for the confusion, I did try to differentiate it from this group by adding the complete name whereas yours has the abbreviated. At any rate, we're really excited about it and if I can remember, I'm hoping to advertise this community today.

  4. I watched Geoff and know Tessa has covered many points earlier, so this was another refresher. Haven't been contributing for a long while, however still sucking up as much information as I can and working on my tree quietly.  Learning from all of you in LVUG. Thanks

  5. Thanks Carol Robson - I usually have to listen and then play around a few times before I truly "learn" something. Happy to help you on your learning journey - that is what our LVUG Community is for.


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