
Showing posts from May, 2014

How to search married as well as maiden surname?

When I do an Internet Search the "search the internet" panel only lists the females by their maiden name. Is there a way to have it also search for the married name without having to input it every time?

Memorial Day! Some photos from a LVUG community member.

Memorial Day!  Some of the places I visited on Memorial Day. The new memorial that was dedicated last Saturday was very busy so I was not able to get really good photos.  Maybe in the future.

I got this idea for using the Relationship Report in Legacy.

I got this idea for using the Relationship Report in Legacy from a Tuesday Tip.  Thanks for pointing it out.  It was fun doing it! Originally shared by Hardy Pottinger I've got a lot of relatives! Check out my latest blog post at Digging Up Relatives to see just how many!  Oh, and if any of these names sound familiar, get in touch with me, we might be related!

Search for persons in a specific cemetery in Legacy?

I think that this has been addressed here or in a HOA or webinar... but how do I create a list of persons in my database buried in a specific cemetery?  Or a list of persons with a death date in a specific town?

Tuesday's Tip - how did you spend your Memorial Day?

This week for our Tuesday's Tip is when I ask the follow-up question - how did you spend your Memorial Day ? Did you take any of my suggestions from last week? Did you take a look at your Legacy database and find out whether you have any military personnel who served and died in our country's conflicts? It you found any, did you start putting their story together with documents and memories? Did you visit a local cemetery to honor your own or others' family members with a few moments of quiet reflection? Did you take part in the Honor Roll project run by Heather Wilkinson Rojo and photograph and transcribe a war memorial? Did you watch the PBS special Memorial Day concert from Washington, D.C. and give some thought to the sacrifices we ask of our military personnel?   Did you fly the flag at half mast until noon and then raise it up to honor our military and remind passersby that this was a solemn federal holiday? Did you think to yourself during the day -

Using Tags with Master Lists.

What can you do with Tags in the Master Location List?

New to LVUG community.

I am from Decatur Illinois and my cousin and I are active genealogical pursuers.

Using Legacy on a variety of computers - a question.

I use legacy at home from a desktop computer.  A library that I use near by has legacy 8.  The build I use at home is usually newer than the one at the library.  How can I make sure the builds stay the same?

This week in our Tuesday's Tip - Memorial Day & the Honor Roll Project.

This week in our  Tuesday's Tip  we are thinking ahead and looking back. Memorial Day is next Monday, May 26th - a US federal holiday honoring the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. To learn more about the history, customs, and traditions associated with Memorial Day, why not check out these links: (1) Wikipedia - Memorial Day ( ) (2) The History Channel - Memorial Day ( ) (3) PBS - The National Memorial Day Concert ( ) So, how do you plan to remember our country's service members and your own family's service members?   (A) Cemeteries often have a service (I have attended services at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia AND Guardian Angels Cemetery in Chaska, Minnesota - both were quite moving). Why not check your local paper or go onl

What does "clear all" mean on the source clipboard?

Okay here is a dumb basic question.  I have source #1 that is a church record.  I want to keep that source because I have several more people I need to add this source to.  Source #2 is an obit for an aunt who just passed away and I am through with this source and want to replace it with an obituary for my 2nd great grandfather.  At the bottom of the source is a button that says clear all.  Does it clear only source #2 or will it clear sources #1 and #2? Thanks!

Still confused about the tagging feature in Legacy.

I'm still confused about the best way to use the tagging feature in Legacy.  Can someone give me some ideas around how they use the tags?

Can I unlink all media?

Does any one know if there is a way to unlink all media??

Shannon shared an Evernote notebook.

Someone asked about this but I can't find it right now. The link to Shannon Thomas shared notebook in Evernote is here. If you want to get to the Event and comments after it is over, check your Events (one of the items at the left under your Home Tab and then choose past events (the link opens up that Event with any of the comments). Hope that helps.

Shannon Thomas wowed us with how she uses Evernote.

What a great hour and how much fun was it to have Shannon Thomas present and show us how she uses Evernote with and Legacy! If you missed it, you can watch it right here in the Community. Enjoy

Thank you to Shannon Thomas - great research process!

A huge thank you to Shannon Thomas for walking us through Evernote with her research process (she showed us how she uses it with and Legacy ). There are lots of tips and Shannon shared an Evernote notebook  that contains her templates for research logs and other helpful genealogy research. The link is over in the Event comments (where some of the viewer questions and answers are as well). Thanks again - it was such a pleasure to have Shannon present this month during our LVUG May hangout on air .  And if you could not make it live, the recording should be up later today (after the Google elves have done their magic and I add tags for easy reference). Next month we are going to spend time on searches in and (and discuss how we incorporate those results in Legacy ). Cheers

Tuesday's Tip - This week we will learn how to use Evernote with Legacy!

Tuesday's Tip - This week I want to remind everyone in our LVUG Community that this Thursday is our monthly hangout-on-air here in Google+. This month we will be discussing Evernote and how to use it with Legacy . Shannon Thomas is going to give us a few examples of how she uses Evernote when she researches with and how and when she puts the information into Legacy. This should be fun! If you have Evernote - great you can follow along and either learn or share some tips. If you don't have Evernote, you might want to download the free version (I use that one) and play around with it before Thursday. Otherwise, come and learn and then decide if Evernote could help you organize your online research activities.  If you have attended live before you know to watch at the Hangout Event (you should have received an invitation/notice about our HOA - you could respond YES, MAYBE or NO)  and you should see our Hangout listed in the Upcoming Events (it should be r

Question on sorting sources.

Is there a way to sort sources.  Now they are entered in the order of my adding them.  Most especially, I would like to be able to move the census in date order.  Then, when looking to see what I have missed, I can just glance without searching the list.  All of my census are first in "unspecified."

An example of using alternative birth event/fact.

Mitch Parker - here is an example of how I use the Alt. Birth, its not the greatest example, but it shows the point. :)

Issue with printing a descendant book report - thoughts?

Seeing the following behavior in Legacy 8. Wondering if I am doing something or if others are getting the same behavior: I am trying to print a Descendant Book Report. The preview shows the Title Page Body (Generations) Pages and Index Page I've defined. When I print from the Preview display, I get the whole report. However, if I print from the Print button on the Options page, I only get the Body Pages; no Title Page or Index Page. Huh? Anyone else see this?

Alternative events and facts?

Does anyone know if Legacy has the ability to advise you of alternative births, deaths, etc.?

We got a mention from Randy Seaver!

Did you see that Tessa Keough and other genealogists " vloggers" were written up by Randy Seaver  ?  The Legacy Virtual Users community among them (-:

Using Legacy for a village database.

Hi everyone, I should have begun here by introducing myself: I am an amateur researcher from Transylvania (present day Romania, Europe). I use Legacy in an bit unconventional way, as I am not using separate family files for families, but rather a single large file per village. This way I can see the genealogical image of an entire village and the families within. I am using Legacy 8 - which helps me get a lot of valuable statistical information from my files concerning names, dates, places, etc. I am also an authorized translator for English, Hungarian and Romanian, so in case you get stuck with a Hungarian or Romanian text (you never know), don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be glad to help.

An answer to question about Narrative Reports.

In answer to Domokos Nagy-Vajda question about Narrative Reports - switching the order of names in this report does not appear to be an option. This is where I looked and what I found. Hope it helps. Other ideas from our LVUG Community?

Using search with military service queries.

And finally, if you did not need an introduction to our LVUG Community and do not want to play SNGF or already know to use the Relationships Report, perhaps we can interest you in revisiting last week's Tuesday's Tip . We discussed how you can use the search feature in Legacy to look for all those males who were in an age range for military service during the various US conflicts. Susan Sabia had a great graphic she shared in Google+ and I took it and showed you how I searched in Legacy. So why not take a look at last week's Tuesday's Tip and search for those who may have registered for the draft and/or served in the military.  Hopefully we have provided something for everyone this week in our Tuesday's Tip (and you could do all three!). Cheers.

The second part of Tuesday's Tip - SNGF with Randy Seaver.

And now, the second part of Tuesday's Tip - Did any of you happen to play Saturday Night Genealogy Fun this past week? Randy Seaver had a great mission and I joined in. It was all about counting cousins. Randy used a Chart to count cousins but I used the Relationships Report  found in Legacy. It was a great way to find out my relationship to everyone in my family tree. I ran the Relationship Report and saved it in a csv format and then opened it in Microsoft Excel. Using the filter feature I was able to easily find all those cousins (and the numbers were shown in my workbook). I went ahead and color-coded my various cousins (first, second, and so on). I wrote about it on my personal blogs (one of them is linked here). So today's second Tuesday's Tip (for all of you who didn't need an introduction to our LVUG Community) is to count those cousins . You might be surprised by how many cousins you have and realize that you need to start getting in touch with th

Three parts to Tuesday's Tip this week.

This week we are going to have a few parts to our Tuesday's Tip. First off, we want to give a warm welcome all the new members to our Legacy Virtual Users' Group Community here at Google+ . I went away for a long weekend and apparently we got a mention at the Friday Legacy webinar - thanks for that Geoff Rasmussen - and clearly some of those viewing found their way here and signed up - it's all good. Again, welcome. So my tips today are for our newest members, but also serve as great reminders for all of us.  (1) Please read the About this Community (should be over on the right-hand side). This tells you a bit of our background, who we are and how we operate. It also provides two links - one to our Site (currently a placeholder as Google required a Site when we first started and about a year before Communities), and one to my YouTube Channel . This is one of the places where you can find our archived versions of our monthly hangouts as well as our video Tues

Question on narrative reports in Legacy.

So glad to find this community. I have a small issue to solve in Legacy and I hope somebody can help me. Do you know any way or workaround to change the order of personal name in various reports? I would like the first names to appear after the surname in a descendant narrative report. Any suggestion would be welcome. Thousand thanks :)

Wow, I'm so glad to find this group.

Wow, I'm so glad to find this group, heard about it from the webinar today. I've been using Legacy for quite a while, but not consistently, so am always excited to learn new things!

Thanks for this LVUG community.

Just finished watching Geoff's "Virtual User Group Meeting" webinar at Legacy Family Tree Webinars.   Tessa, your programs are so much more informative and helpful to me.  Thank you for all of the hard work that you put in to helping us learn.

Legacy Webinar presenting a webinar entitled Virtual User's Group Meeting.

Tomorrow Legacy Family Tree Webinars is presenting a Webinar entitled Virtual User's Group Meeting . Although the name is quite similar to our name, this meeting is part of Legacy's webinar series and not affiliated with our LVUG Community . But hey, learning about Legacy is always a good thing and the more opportunities we have, the better. If you have not already signed up, you might want to check it out - this is a great opportunity to meet some of the employees of Legacy who answer your questions, code the program, come up with the improvements, and just generally make things work in Legacy . Sign up to view live and get your questions in to Legacy employees. If you can't make it live, check out the recording which is usually up later in the day.