Tessa and LVUG community - thanks for the tips & tricks videos.

Tessa and community...I just had to play "catch up" to finish watching the 2014 October Tips & Tricks.  I intend to share these with the LUG sponsored by the North San Diego County Genealogy Society.  What a great way for us to learn -- a little at a time!  Tessa -- you are amazing -- thank you for putting this together for us.


  1. We are indeed very lucky to have Tessa Keough.  Many thanks for all she does!

  2. Yes, I haven't taken the time yet to thank Tessa Keough for all her time and effort that went into the daily tips for the month of October. THANK YOU TESSA! They will be a wonderful resource for myself and others to refer back to again and again. I know I will direct fellow Legacy users to them.

  3. Ah - you are too kind and you are most welcome! It was a bit of a challenge but also a great opportunity to learn more about some features and share them with our LVUG Community. Please do share the videos with other Legacy users and the genealogy community (I often find that when Russ Worthington or Randy Seaver do something in either FTM or RootsMagic, it is fun to figure to how to do it in Legacy).

    We are lucky to be in such a good place (technology-wise) in genealogy and family history - so many wonderful programs and apps at our fingertips to help us in our search for family connections.


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