Using Legacy with my Proverbs one-name study - some questions.

I have started a one-name study on my Proverbs family from Barbados, UK etc. Can I use Legacy to input the names as individuals/families etc until I can prove relationship? I think I heard from somewhere that i could add them as individuals and then families - help please


  1. Yes you can - I do that a lot. Then once you manage to connect them, all your sources will be there.   Under the "add" menu, off to the right you will see "Add Unlinked" under the Add male & add female.  Once you link them, run the set relationships so they will show as part of your family.

  2. I run my DRINKWATER ONS in Legacy. You don't have to ink anyone to someone. If your study is very large, you may never link them all up.  Good luck!. You should check out the Guild of One-Name Studies.  I can be very helpful in guiding you along the way. It is based in the UK, but has members all over the world.

  3. I have a modified One Name/One Place Study of all of the O'Donnells who ever lived in the town I live in.  I created a separate database in Legacy and added each family head as an unlinked husband or wife then added the children/parents/siblings as I found them.  If I found a relationship all I had to do was link them through the correct party.  When I find a direct relationship to my branch I move them to my database. There are a couple of thousand in that un-related database now.  Seems like all O'Donnells from Donegal came through this place at some point.  This database keeps my direct line database clean and avoids duplication.  Happy hunting and good luck

  4. Thank you so much for commenting - I just knew there was a simple way to do it in Legacy - I am also joining the Guild


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