A Hangout today?

Is there a hangout on air today?


  1. Sorry I did not see this until today (for some reason it was in the Spam folder - Google protecting us from ourselves! And 9 times of out 10 Google is correct on the spam.) Hangouts for our LVUG Community are restarting next month OCTOBER and I will provide a week's notice with information for joining and watching. Thanks for asking and and my apologies for the late reply Brian Runyan

  2. Thanks for the reply, Tessa. Is there any reason the LVUG community would object to a group of us participating in a hangout? We have a group that gathers every Wednesday to view the Legacy webinars and another very active Legacy Users Group at our society. I haven't thrown this idea out to anyone in our group yet, so I readmit don't know how much interest there might be, but I thought I would ask for your input before.

    Brian Runyan, president
    Clark County Genealogical Society

  3. I don't think that is a problem at all - hosting a hangout or a hangout on air is pretty simple to do and the recorded version would be at your YouTube channel (we all have one!) and then could be linked for LVUG members to watch if they want to. Definitely something that could work Brian Runyan - ah Clark County on the drive from Portland to Seattle is that the county with the fairgrounds that is used for concerts? I will have to check a map for location.


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