Footnotes with citations and events.

How do I create separate footnotes/endnotes for each citation for a single event?


  1. Not sure if this is what you are looking for but - in Report Options go to Sources tab and check on print source citations as endnotes and unclick "if an event has multiple citations, combine them into one paragraph." Have you tried that?

  2. Thank you.  I found that and unclicked all instances I found and there were several.

    By the way--I really love you hangouts.

  3. Did I understand you to say in one of the recent hang-outs that you will have a hang-out devoted to Evidentia with the bearded genius (can't call his name right now)?

  4. No - I know he has done some hangouts with DearMYRTLE and we have suggested that we have a hangout or two with the individuals from some of these "add on programs" that (hopefullly) work in conjunction with Legacy - Clooz and Evidentia. And I think his name is Ed Thompson. One we did recently was with Evernote - Shannon Thomas did a great walk through for us.

  5. I really liked that one also. You might be interested in a community called DottoTech. He does lots of things with technology. He is having a webinar on Evernote on the 27th,28th, 29th.  You pick your day.  I can't go because I am going to FGS in San Antonio, but I will watch later on his YouTube channel.


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