FamilyTreeMaker switching to Legacy - pitfalls?

I have been a user of FTM for many years but I am switching to Legacy.  What have other former users of FTM done, started over or just tried to clean up sources, notes, etc...?


  1. Susan Johnson , there are researchers on both sides of that fence.

    I am for repairing, not starting over.  But, I fear what errors I might introduce on the new input.  I find some now and then from the first input.

    Legacy has SOOOOOOOOOOO many wonderful ways to tag and fix just the stuff in that tag.  

    Many feel the only way they can do it justice is to just start over.  Review is never a bad thing.

    We have several chats about that in the community, read, and discover.

  2. The other thing that would be easy to do is to make sure you have made your backups (plural) and then read through the help section on going from one program (FTM) to Legacy. I am sure the helpful folks at Legacy have some ideas. Go ahead and make a GEDCOM of your FTM and then import it into a new file in Legacy (take a look at the tips included in the Help file). Things like putting unknown items in the notes section will help you not lose information. I would then play with that file and see what worked and what didn't - you can always delete and and start over. I think if you play with a small file you will have a sense of what works best for you and then just go from there. Welcome to Legacy and our LVUG group - I think you will like both!

  3. I made the change but had TMG in between. The GEDCOM import worked well for me but my tree was not huge. Only about 250 people at the time.

  4. Has anyone here done the GEDCOM import with a large tree?

  5. yes. i did with a tree of about 45,000. I used the gedcom and chose the import anything that didn't fit into regular events into note. Just cleaning up as I go and have been for 3 years. I hadn't attached any media but am doing so now.

  6. i love it when I read the help file and the blurb applies and works for Legacy users - thanks Sonia Putney for your experience.

  7. Thanks everyone. I guess I'll just try to clean up as I go.

  8. It is really worth the switch though things can get confusing at times.  I read the legacyfamilytree archives a lot and now can do so many things that weren't doable on FTM. I changed at version 9


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