Someone had the idea to list all source detail under Master Source comments.

Someone had the idea to list all Source Detail under Master Source/Text/Comments. And it scrolls on and on and on and on. Can hardly blame them. The wording Text/Comments does kind of suggest this is where to put it.


  1. yikes that is (for me) way too much information in one small place.

  2. Tessa Keough I have spent thousands of hours doing better when I knew better and I would not want to be coming across something like that a few years down the road when my methodologies had improved.

  3. Originally that is how I input my data into Legacy because that is how it was taught in their book.  Since then, I've learned a lot from other genealogists and have been slowly going back through my database and removing that information.  It has been a slow process but my reports look 100% better.


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