Genealogy Do-Over - Thoughts?

Unless you are a genealogist living under a rock or have been so busy researching that you have not been following the genealogy social media the past two weeks, you have heard about the Genealogy Do-Over. I share my thoughts in this post and would love to know yours. Is the Genealogy Do-Over in your future? Why or why not?

Originally shared by Tessa Keough

On New Year's Eve when thoughts go to resolutions, goals and plans for the New Year - I weigh in on the Genealogy Do-Over (it must be wordy Wednesday). I gave this some thought and hope you do too.


  1. Tessa, for Legacy users who also use Clooz, a do-over is a far less labor intensive process.  Every document that has been processed in Clooz can be transferred into Legacy, into all of the proper fields, etc., virtually with one click per document.  So if I join the "Do-Over" (which I really need to do, but have no time), I will start with a clean new Legacy file and then re-examine every document image or text file to be sure I have captured everything that could possibly help in the future.  Then, document by document, I will build my "Do-Over" file with virtually no actual typed data input required in Legacy itself.  If the Legacy marketers would think about it, this capability could be a huge boost for users of other family tree programs looking for a new home. :-) :-)


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