Tuesday's Tip - why not JOIN or VIEW our LVUG hangout.

JOIN or VIEW our LVUG hangout scheduled for this Thursday (notice will be going out in just a bit). Because we had such a big weekend - what with the geneasleepover and the FamilySearch indexing project (and congrats to all who joined in and did such an amazing job), Thursday's hangout is going to be very low key.

I have pulled a few questions off the forum and here in the Community about how to do something in Legacy and we will discuss how we do it. Also we are going to discuss a few tips and suggestions for e-learning and what we do before and after we have been to the webinar, hangout, live streamed lecture. Are we using what we have learned?

So Tuesday's Tip is to join us this Thursday - and share your thoughts on how you use e-learning opportunities and see if we can answer a few "how do I that?" questions.


  1. This sounds good and if I get back from another commitment in time, I'll join

  2. Great - hope to see you Lynda Avery

  3. Ill be there as soon as I get home from work...looking forward to finding out how others do things!

  4. I hope we have a few JOIN in rather than VIEW. I know that Linda McCauley is at GRIP (is that right?) learning lots - she will have to fill us in next time. Anything specific that anyone wants to learn how others do in their Legacy program?

  5. Yes, Tessa Keough, I'm at GRIP in Law School for Genealogists.

  6. Is Judy G. Russell being really mean? Are you having fun? And what is up with that bed? Did you get the basketball player's room?

  7. I'll join but will not be home until just before you go on air like last time.

  8. great Shannon Thomas will see you then!


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