Tuesday's Tip - Time for a little spring cleanning.

Tuesday's Tip - I use Google Chrome for my browser and today instead of a Google Doodle , there was a note that said it was time for Spring Cleaning. Google also had a link to 10 online safety tips. A tip of the hat to Google for providing two great ideas - spring cleaning and online safety (be sure to check out their tips).

Now let's take that a step further and do a bit of spring cleaning in our Legacy family files. If you haven't done it in a while - now is a great time to go through file maintenance as well master lists (surnames and locations - to name two) that I regularly clean up. While you are at it, make sure you have updated Legacy (the current version is and you can do that from the Legacy Home View (the one right before your Family View).

Why not do a bit of spring cleaning and start the month of April off with your Legacy family file all spruced up.


  1. I cleaned off my desk yesterday. That was a good start. Found many genealogy notes and To-do items that I had jotted down on scraps of paper the last few months. I filed and entered everything into Legacy and even accomplished some of the items on my list. Now on to some of your suggestions. Thanks Tessa Keough​​!

  2. Spring cleaning Legacy sure sounds much more fun than spring cleaning my house!!

  3. I agree Cheri Hudson Passey and Monique Riley I finally got through some of my backlog - between RootsTech, a short month for February, Lent, and then Easter - where did the last few weeks go?

  4. Tessa, I'm wondering where the last few MONTHS went!


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