How to show same man who married daughters in two of my lines.

I have just discovered that the same man married daughters in two of my lines. I have sources entered for him in both places. Is there a way to merge the "two" men? Or, do I need to delete one and add the sources, etc. to one of the entries? I'm a little confused.

Thanks very much!



  1. Hi Judy, this seems to be a case where you should merge the two. Go to "My Toolbar", click on "Merge", then "Manual Merge". Be sure to backup when it asks you.Then, make sure you are on the one you want to keep, a screen will pop up asking you to select the other person, Then check the items you want to keep, then check all the tabs and make sure you didn't overlook anything. When you are certain you've got every thing the way you want, hit "Merge". Then check if things are the way you want, if you're not happy with it, you can undo it if you remembered to backup.

    Hope I didn't confuse you too much!


    PS: you should get familiar wit the Help system in Legacy. It is really good!

  2. Thanks very much Joyce! I knew it was a merge but didn't find anything on merging an individual in the help file. Frankly, I've never had to merge anything in Legacy. Thanks again! I'll spend more time in the Help file next time I have a question.


  3. Judy Burns You're most welcome, Judy!


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