Suggestion for Legacy - more notes sections.

I would put this under Suggestions if there was such a category. I am still using v.7.5 with no intention of upgrading so it's irrelevant for me but I still like the idea. Here it is: an additional tab in the Notes section (General/Research/Medical) for something called something like Scratch Pad. This would be a dumping ground for work in progress, never to be printed in reports but just for collecting.

For instance, I have a habit of searching census records, en mass, or marriage records, or death records, or what-have-you, and adding the information and citation into Research Notes to properly enter and cite later. Later could be by the time the number is up around 1,000. Is.

Meantime, my Cuz uses Research Notes for actual, you guessed it, research notes. So and so may have had a second marriage, based on blah, blah, blah. Her opinions that matter.

I would like to print out her opinions in book reports because I think they do matter.

On the other hand, my collection of data yet to be entered does not matter (yet) and I'd like to park it somewhere else.

I know some people make collections outside Legacy using OneNote or Evernote or whatever. Could be ActionOutline in my case.

First of all this seems excessively labour-intensive and I know that because I've tried it, besides taking all this valuable information outside Legacy.

Anyway, just sayin'. Would it be a big deal to add another notes tab to the Notes tabs?


  1. I just dump stuff like that in Notes for each person until I work out what I want to do. Saves on scraps of paper etc, and I want to keep everything together in one place, not in other programs etc as you have pointed out. You have the option not to print Notes I believe. I don't print them on my Family Group Sheets. I know it is not perfect, but it solves a problem for me.

  2. John H Thanks for answering. I would except I use General Notes (if that's what you mean) for stories and other specific notes areas for other things, so I really don't have a spare Notes area to do what I want to.

  3. John H I wish.

    I have 221 people with Research Notes that belong there; according to Michelle's definition, and my own.

    I have 351 others that belong in a General Intake box. I wish there was a tab for that. I will clear them out eventually and in the future ...?

  4. What about using a To Do for your notes?
    I have done it a couple of times when I was trying to work some stuff out.

  5. Shannon Thomas I think that's exactly the solution with present options being what they are. Right now I'd have to move about 275 to clear the Research Notes for printing so I'm not sure I'm up to it but possibly in the future I can re-train my brain to notice the To-Do icon.

  6. Ding-Dong. Another fix would be to put anything in Research Notes I don't want printed in reports in privacy brackets.

  7. Some great suggestions - I find it easier to use To-Dos (they can have reminder dates - something that jogs my memory to get back to something).


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