Are you using Legacy with MAC and Parallels and Windows?

Feedback from those that might be using Legacy with MAC and Parallels and Windows.

Specific issues?? Or hints.

Doing some research/thinking/consideration/contemplation.


  1. I decided to go with Legacy about a year ago, even though I am a die-hard Mac user. I have used Parallels for quite a few years, and have never had any problems with it. Parallels can be a little confusing to set up, but once in place, it's very easy to use, and Legacy and AniMaps both work on it just fine. I do get a minor error message every time I open Legacy. I talked to the tech-support people about it. They said they are aware of the issue, but that it doesn't actually affect anything.

    Legacy is, I believe, my fourth genealogy program in about 4 years. I have no intentions of changing again. One reason I went with Legacy was the strong user support groups available, like this one. I would be glad to try and answer any specific questions you might have.

  2. Thank you Diana Mullin. On my fact finding mission and this is very helpful!


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