Entering Olympic honors in Legacy - what a great event!

A recently found cousin is an Olympic athlete (She just took home Bronze on Friday).  I want to record her medals and competitions in my Legacy program. 

Which would be more appropriate for the event fact: "Honors", "Occupation", or create one specific to each event (such as 2016 Rio Olympic Games or 1996 World Cup?


  1. I would create an "Athletic Awards" event that could be used for any type of athletic competition, then enter the details of each competition in the text fields.

  2. I would do the same as Erik. I don't like having a bunch of Event titles to have to look through when I am trying to find what I want. With an Athletic Awards or even just Athletics you can use this event for others in your tree.

    BTW...It is awesome that you have an Olympic athlete in your family tree!

  3. Thanks everyone. I agree with the not wanting to have a bunch of events to go through for the same type of event.  Thank you for your suggestions.


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