
Showing posts from September, 2014

Tuesday's Tip - Something just a bit different.

Tuesday's Tip - Something just a bit different but hopefully useful to all our LVUG Community members. Today's video is the first of a five-part series on E-Learning, especially in regard to genealogy and family history. Tomorrow is the first day of October and the start of Family History Month so I will post a handout that includes links to many e-learning opportunities that you can take advantage of and we will have several posts during the month covering Legacy features (well known and lesser known). Why not join in the fun and post your tips and tricks for using Legacy during Family History Month.

Question about the ancestor book report.

I have a question about the ancestor book report. After it processes about 19 - 20 generations it starts overlapping the "id" number for the children over the i, ii, iii, id number with what appears to be the ahnentafel id of that child. This is not good. How do I stop the printing of that ahnentafel id. After about 8 or 9 generations it is absolutely unusable. I have 78 generations and the number takes up half the line. Thank you Mike

How can I eliminate some lines in a Gedcom?

How can I eliminate the lines: _QUAL, _SOUR, _INFO & _EVID from a Gedcom which includes source details?  The source detail screen says that use of the Surety and source quality info is Optional, but there doesn't appear to be a way to exercise that option when creating Gedcoms.  I've tried eliminating the Gedcom code QUAL and a few other similar codes, to no avail.  Will choosing Generic or Basic Gedcom formats resolve?   By the way, shared events in a Gedcom file create a complete mess.  Until Gedcom catches up to the Legacy feature, it is almost useless for export purposes IMO.

As promised - a bonus video.

As promised - a bonus video that follows up on this week's Tuesday's Tip . I check out an unverified story involving immigration from Ireland to the USA with some of my Murphy ancestors. Let me know how you do your research and any tips you have to share with the rest of us. Slainte.

Here is that census form everyone wanted.

I had a lot of requests about the form I used to track my families through census records in this post.  I finally found the original email that had the original form from the original creator.  Like most good things in the genealogy sphere, she – being…

Pruning my family tree - thoughts?

I think I saw something to answer this question sometime in the past, but cannot recall...  Over the years, I have been somewhat undisciplined when adding people to my Legacy family tree to a point where, today there are many very, very distant relatives that I would like to remove.  I was thinking of possibly starting over - hopefully by being able to create a new tree containing only by direct line ancestors starting with my mother and father - eliminating the "mothers-in-lay of 28th cousins - 14 times removed."  Is there a way to create such a tree without having to one by one through my entire data base?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks

Unknown parents in Legacy.

How many of you have a family group where you don't know the name of one of the spouses, but you have children in the family group? I'm not talking about not knowing the wife's maiden name, but a situation when you don't know the father's name or the mother's name. I've gotten into trouble trying to add the spouse in family view, even if I have him/her in my database. When I choose "Add a Person" it creates a new marriage, even if you link to an existing person and any existing children become stepchildren. To solve that problem, instead of clicking "Add a person," go to the marriage by selecting the spouse icon on the family view and selecting the "unknown" spouse from the list. Then select "Add new wife" or "Add new husband." Now you've got only one marriage with the children with the correct parents. Maybe everyone knew about this already, but this was a stumbling block for me and I hope it helps so...

Tuesday's Tip - This week the Index view in Legacy.

This week I check the Index View in Legacy. Do you use it? How do you use it? Have you customized it? Do you save and load different versions of the Index? Have you learned how to "freeze panes"? Share how you use the Index View and any tips you have with the rest of us.

A separate database for obituaries - thoughts?

I would like to build a separate database (file) for obits and their image files.  Does anyone have any recommendations on how to use Legacy for that purpose?  This would not be connected to my family file.

Is there a way to tag people on the potential problems report?

I know you can print it out but that would not be helpful in my case. I have a lot. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Want to remove the death cause line on the family view - how?

Hi, can anyone tell me how to remove the Death Cause (DthCau) line on the family page?  I thought it would be easy by looking in Options, Customize, but I don't seem to be able to find it.  I don't have this information for almost all of my people I've entered, so it is redundant.

Tuesday's Tip - searching, tagging & data entry with Find A Grave.

Well a week late and I learned something - it was not necessarily YouTube that caused my problem of not being able to upload a video. Every so often you might want to uninstall and re-install your browser because it gets glitchy . I had some issues with Chrome and that fix seemed to set everything to rights. BUT make sure you have another browser available on your computer (so you can re-install from somewhere) and make sure to NOT delete your bookmarks and data.  NOW, on to Tuesday's Tip - we have the video today - it is an introduction to some of our new members and a reminder to the old hands here about "getting around in the LVUG Community." Also I walk through my search, tagging and data entry with FindAGrave research. So this is how I do it - how do you do it?

Don't forget today's Virtual Users webinar today.

Don't forget today's Virtual Users webinar today (Friday) at 2 pm EST.  Here is the link Rumor has it that Geoff will be talking about locations and whatever else pops in his head :)   There were be a couple of tech support people logged in behind the scenes to answer any questions you type into your chat box.

Tuesday's Tip - YouTube video will be a little late.

Tuesday's Tip is going to be a bit late . I recorded a video and have been trying off and on to upload it to YouTube for the past 5 hours. When Google is good - it is very good, AND when it's bad, it's horrid. I can't figure out why it is not working and some others have complained of the same problem. Hopefully I can post either later tonight or tomorrow morning. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Question about FindAGrave research and entries.

I thought there was a post about this lately but cannot find it. It is probably Legacy Searching 101, but I cannot figure it out. How can I tag those who do NOT have a FindAGrave citation in my file? I want a list so I can go and search for those people that are missing a FindAGrave source.  I tried to do a detailed search, but the only choice under either Source-citation or Source-Master Source is "Contains" (under How to Look).  It needs "Does Not Contains"!  I cannot use the Missing Sources tab under Search for Burial Date and Place, because that might not include all who should come up in the missing FindAGrave search (as someone might have a source there, but not a FindAGrave one).  Sorry to ask such a basic question.  I'm sure someone has figured this out before. This information would actually be helpful to know for searching for people with any source that does not exist for a person.