I need to unsubscribe.

I need to unsubscribe. Sorry , I really liked the group & all the info - but will be off my comp fpr some time and the emails pile up. TNX


  1. Mabel Slinkard Horrocks​​ you can continue to be a member of the community, you just need to turn off your notifications so you don't receive emails when there are new postings.

  2. I don't get emails from here, only the little +1 notice in Google plus. is this where you would change email notifications? Three dots under "Communities" - set notified about new posts to "Off" ? ty
    I do get lots of emails from the Legacy Users Group, though, =] I need to set up a filter for them, I think. =]

  3. Yes, that is where you turn off notifications for notifications from the Legacy Virtual Users' Group here in Google+. We are not an official Legacy group. The Legacy Users Group list that communicates through email is a separate list to subscribe/unsubscribe and is an official Legacy email list. Hope that is not confusing.

  4. Hi I am a long time user of Legacy Family Tree. I am new to LVUG community and look at Tessa Keoygh on YouTube all the time.


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