How to enter citing this record from FamilySearch into Legacy?

Sorry if this is a duplicate question - I just can't find anything about it.

When I find a record on, it has a wonderful "Citing This Record" at the bottom. I have no idea how to put that into Legacy sources. I've attached a photo of one of the records for reference. Thanks!


  1. Donna are you using the source writer?

  2. You cannot write a source directly from Familysearch to Legacy except through a add on. This program can only add text only source. To learn more about this add on go to

    It is a great little program and I use it often. Good luck

  3. The only other way to put sources from Familysearch to Legacy is to manually put them in. It takes time but probably the best way. I would write the source and add a screen shot of the source.

  4. I add the citation to the Caption field of the record itself. And I put the part above it into Source Detail in Legacy after stripping out the extra white space using this tool,, and the second radio button. Of course the Master Source is the name of the record collection itself. - Remove Extra Whitespace and Tab Space

  5. I have my sources set up using Source Writer. I fill in the detail information and copy the source information from Family Search over to the text/comments section of the source being cited. Then I edit that to remove the information that was added to the detail information screen. I also check the box to add the text to the source citation. You could also just leave the detail information screen blank and copy the source from Family Search to the text/comments section and check the box to include it then it would be identical to the way Family Search has it.

  6. I use Kelly's method and it works very well for me. I can then add the Event and attach it to the source and copy to other people that might be affected by the Source. I use the same method with a copy and paste from Ancestry

  7. The record in your screen shot shows the record is attached to the associated person in FamilySearch family tree. You can import the source citation into Legacy using Legacy FamilySearch.

    Open Legacy FamilySearch for the appropriate person; click on the sources tab; on the right side of the screen, FamilySearch sources, locate the source you want to import into Legacy; click on the arrow pointing left to My Legacy Sources side of the screen; another widow will open, Copy source to Legacy; on this widow select which vital statistic items you want to attach the source, events do not appear in the list.

    I recommend only copying the source to one vital statistic, such as name, then review and make any modifications if needed, (person identifier (FamilySearchID), date accessed and recorded date are not filled in on the copied source); copy the source to the clipboard, attach the source to other pertinent vital statistics and events.

    All citations copied from FamilySearch are attached to one master source, FamilySearchDL, this can make things difficult working on sources from the Assigned Sources widow since all sources will be labeled as FamilySearchDL however, if you do not work from this widow there will be no problem, all source citations will be listed correctly on all printed documents.

  8. Thank you everyone! I do use Source Writer and will experiment with your methods.


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