A New Adventure Begins!
Photo by Erik Dungan on Unsplash An update on the migration of our LVUG community posts, comments and recordings or images to Blogger. 1. I have exported the Google+ community - there are 1,080 posts and over 5,000 comments. 2. I used both the service provided by Google and another service (just to be on the safe side). 3. I set up a blog - lvugcommunity.blogger.com (you are here!) and started importing the export (yes it is an interesting process!). 4. Blog post titles are slightly wonky or nonexistent and so I have been going through and doing a bit of cleanup. 5. Noticed that not all of the comments were coming through and checked it against some posts in the LVUG community, also asked the question of Google+ Exporter - of course they had a "newer & better" update (never do your homework early!). That did the trick - a few more posts but lots more comments in the latest export! So had to delete earlier import, and start again - glad I had not got...